Faculty & Staff Resources
Faculty & Staff Resources
Faculty & Staff Resources

Faculty Center
Excellence in teaching and learning

IRT Support
Information Resources & Technology

Academic records, services and policies

Scholarly & Creative Activity
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Email Policy
Because Rowan students are required to use their Rowan email accounts for university business; and Because university directories and contact information for faculty and staff at Rowan list rowan.edu addresses; and Because all faculty and staff are assigned an official Rowan email address; and Because messages sent from non-university emails are more likely to be redirected to spam folders. Faculty and staff in the College of Performing Arts are expected to use their official university email addresses for work-related communication. College announcements and documents will be sent only to the officially designated rowan.edu address. Faculty and staff who wish to receive emails at another address should set up message forwarding and set their outgoing emails to send from the rowan.edu address.