Rowan University WindFest
Rowan University WindFest
Rowan University WindFest
Tuesday, Decemeber 3, 2024

Rowan University Bands present the WindFest Honor Band & Masterclasses for Outstanding High School Musicians
The Rowan University WindFest Honor Band is an intensive event for select high school musicians from throughout NJ, PA, DE & NY. Participants will enjoy challenging repertoire and exciting rehearsals, working alongside Rowan's world-class faculty and exceptional university students in performance and masterclass settings. The event concludes with a concert in beautiful Pfleeger Concert Hall featuring the WindFest Honor Band alongside the Rowan University Wind Ensemble.
This year, we are thrilled to feature the music of composer-in-residence Nicole Piunno.
Payment: The cost for WindFest 2024 is $25 per student, which includes a t-shirt and two meals. Payment in cash or check (made out to "Rowan University") should be mailed upon acceptance or simply brought to campus on December 12th. Directors may ask their students to pay individually on-site, or directors may choose to pay with cash/check for all of their students.
Tuesday, December 3
9:00am Registration Begins
9:30am Ensemble Rehearsal
11:00am Masterclasses with Rowan Faculty
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Composer Q&A with Nicole Piunno
2:00pm Rehearsal #2 (Combined with RU Wind Ensemble)
3:15pm Break
3:45pm Final Rehearsal & Run-Through
5:00pm Open Rehearsal with RU Concert Band
6:00pm Dinner & Concert Attire
7:30pm CONCERT in Pfleeger Concert Hall
WindFest Honor Band Program
Amanda Aldridge – On Parade: Quick March
Nicole Piunno – Safely Rest
Michelle Fernández – Proud of Me
HOW TO REGISTER: High school band directors are invited to nominate their students for the 2024 WindFest Honor Band event. Nominations are due by Thursday, November 14th; WindFest acceptance letters will be shared with directors and students by Monday, November 18th. Parts (digital folders) will be sent via email to all selected students before the event. Directors may nominate as many as 10 students per school. While we will do our best to accommodate all students who you think are deserving, we can guarantee that the first 4 students on your list will be accepted. As you complete the form below, please list students in the order you believe they should be accepted. The form requires directors to input each student’s name, email address, grade level, tshirt size, and instrument.
2024 WindFest Director Registration Form
Please do not hesitate to reach out anytime with questions to Dr. Joseph Higgins, Director of Bands ( We look forward to seeing you soon.